Tues: 10am - 7pm
Wed: 1pm - 7pm
Thurs: 10am - 7pm
Fri: 1pm - 7pm
Sat: 10am - 2pm
Take advantage of the many free resources available to all Vermonters.
Access eBooks and Audio Books through the Libby App.
Log in with your active library card bar code number.
Password is your last name with the first letter capitalized.

Biblio+ is a FREE video streaming service. Movies, TV, documentaries - for all ages!
No limits, watch as much or as little as you like.
Sign up with your library card at
The Biblio+ app is available for download on Apple devices (iPhone, Ipad, Apple TV), Android phone and tablet, Amazon Fire TV, and Roku, or stream directly from
Tip: You first have to sign in on a device and then put Biblio+ on your smart TV. The TV app will send a code to sync with your device.

LEGALFORMS - Fillable Legal Documents
LegalForms offers a huge range of legal documents and templates for use in personal and business legal dealings. Where relevant, forms are specific to Vermont. Patrons can access documents for used car sales, bankruptcy, divorce, apartment rental agreements, creating wills, and much more.